Blackjack basic strategy: what is it?

The first blackjack basic strategy was announced in 1953 by the famous author and player Roger Baldwin. Then, in 1962, Edward Thorp published a text on how to play blackjack using computer calculations. Such a strategy involves knowing exactly when to make decisions: Hit Stand Split Double Down Surrender Also widely known are the books and tables by authors Peter Griffin and Stanford Wong. The tables help to make decisions that are best suited to the current moment. The basic rule for all action algorithms is never to use side bets. Unless you are counting cards, this is a risky move, threatening losses. In online and live blackjack, it probably doesn’t make sense to count cards for two reasons: The game uses unlimited shuffling machines, which means the cards are shuffled even during a hand. Too many decks are used at the table — with 6-8 decks, it’s tough to